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Lifestyle Factors And Fertility profortil


There are many things in life that we have no control over. Lifestyle factors, however is in our control. As hard as it may be, in efforts to achieve successful conception, these lifestyle factors can positively or negatively influence fertility rate.

  • The Age When Starting A Family
    For women, the number of eggs decreases as they get older. The remaining eggs in older women are more likely to have abnormalities. As women age, they are also at higher risk of disorders that can affect fertility, such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

    For men,
     sperm quality decreases as they age, usually starting from the age of 40-45 years old. Problems in male factor fertility may be due to changes in semen quality as assessed by the semen analysis. The most significant of these are a low sperm concentration (oligospermia), poor sperm motility (asthenospermia), and abnormal sperm morphology (teratospermia). As men age, these variables are impacted and correlate with decreased fertility.

  • Nutrition
    Adequate hormonal function is essential for successful ovulation. Unfortunately, a poor diet can play havoc with our hormones, which in turn, can lead to ovulatory issues. This means that eating certain foods and avoiding others can actually improve our fertility.

  • Weight Management
    Obesity is often the result of an unhealthy diet. Research shows that obesity can lead to poor sperm quality. It also can lead to low testosterone and high estrogen, which can negatively affect male fertility. Sperm production is dependent on normal testosterone levels.

  • Exercise
    Exercise/being active can boost your fertility (for both men & women). Women who do regular, moderate exercise get pregnant quicker than women who don’t exercise regularly. Exercise reduces inflammation, which can improve sperm function.

  • Psychological stress
    Stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, rise during trying situations, and may affect one’s fertility in a negative way. Reducing stress may be a great way to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, and thereby increase the supply of nutrients in those regions.

  • Cigarette Smoking
    Smoking cigarettes can have negative health effects on women and men, as well as persons of varying gender identities, making it harder to get pregnant. Research shows that: Smoking can reduce fertility, making it difficult to conceive. Smoking may negatively affect hormone production.

  • Medications
    Medications that raise prolactin hormone levels can affect ovulation and reduce fertility – chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, haloperidol, risperidone, metoclopramide, methyldopa, cimetidine, some older antidepressants like amitriptyline, SSRI antidepressants like sertraline or fluoxetine, and many others.

  • Alcohol Use
    Excessive alcohol lowers testosterone levels and sperm quality and quantity in men. It can also reduce libido, and cause impotence. If a man drinks heavily it can really reduce a couple’s chances of conceiving.

  • Caffeine Consumption
    Experts advise limiting caffeine if you’re trying to conceive and during pregnancy. Some studies have found that women who drink large amounts of caffeine may take longer to become pregnant and have a slightly higher risk of miscarriage and low birth weight.




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Highly effective.

A spermiogram assesses the concentration, mobility and shape of sperm cells. The video on the right shows the distinct difference after 3 months of taking PROFORTIL®.

Male infertility has many causes – in industrialized countries, genetics, stress, changes in life patterns and dietary habits all lead to dramatic reductions in sperm cell production and quality. PROFORTIL® is a clinically-tested and patented formula, developed specifically to optimize sperm quality and to treat male sterility. Clinical studies show that taking PROFORTIL® for at least 3 months significantly improves sperm quality. No other formula has beaten its pregnancy rate of Ø 26-41%.

An important factor for a healthy baby

Breaks in sperm DNA strands greatly increase the chances of miscarriage

In the process of cell division, DNA is copied and transferred to each new cell. If the DNA strands in sperm are damaged, the process of cell division may be disrupted, stopping embryonic development entirely. PROFORTIL® reliably protects sperm DNA from damage.

During cell division, DNA is transferred to each new cell just like a train transfers cargo to a destination. If a train’s tracks are damaged, the train cannot make it to the destination. The same is true when DNA strands are damaged. Both the train and the DNA are derailed.

If there are serious breaks in the DNA (genetic information is “broken”, “damaged”), new cells will be incomplete and unable to continue the cell division process. Embryonic development stops.

Infertility is the medical term for sterility. This is the case when regular sexual intercourse without contraception does not lead to pregnancy within 12 months.

There is a general distinction between primary and secondary infertility:

Primary infertility:
The man has never fathered a child before.

Secondary infertility:
The man has already fathered one or more children, whether with his current partner or another woman.

In many cases of infertility, the woman is examined before the man; although in about half of all cases, the cause is found in the man.

Male infertility can have many causes. Genetics, stress, changes in life patterns and dietary habits all lead to a dramatic reduction in sperm cell production and quality. The wish to have a child is still denied to around 15% of all couples, even after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

A fundamental distinction is made between inherited and acquired disorders. Furthermore, a distinction is made between diseases relating to hormonal control of testicular function (approx. 12%), diseases of sperm formation in the testicles (approx. 30-40%) and diseases of the sperm transport system (approx. 10-20%).

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